Rochester, NY –  Statement from Kevin Wilson Chair of the Monroe County Libertarian Party:

The Monroe County Libertarian Party is proud to endorse and give our ballot line to Monroe County Court Judge John L. DeMarco for re-election to the Monroe County Court bench.  

The Libertarian Party promotes self-ownership, personal responsibility and political liberty. These are the cornerstones of a free and prosperous society.  Judge DeMarco distinguished himself by promoting individual rights, economic freedom and equality under the law as a lawyer and a jurist. As the Supervising Judge for the 7th Judicial District, Judge DeMarco’s compassionate approach held those appearing before him accountable while starting them down the path to rebuilding their lives. In addition to being the only judge amongst the candidates and bringing over 34 years of experience, Judge DeMarco’s approach is consistent with the values of the Libertarian Party. For these reasons we wholeheartedly support him for re-election to the Monroe County Court bench.