Petitioning Information

Upcoming events:
May 1, 2024, 6pm-9:30pm: Petitioning training, petition pick ups, and drop off completed petitions. Triphammer Bierworks, 111 Parce Ave suite 3a-1, Fairport, NY 14450.
Helpful tips for petitioning:
– Keep it short and simple – we are not trying to “convert” people – we just need their signatures/addresses. We need as many as possible, so it is better to spend 10 minutes talking to 5 different people instead of just 1.
– One suggested greeting was “Hello, would you help me help my friend Larry to get on the ballot?” or “Hello, would you help me give voters more options?” This is just to get our candidates on the ballot, no one is obligated to support or vote for them, it just gives everyone more options. We can refer them to Larry’s website for more info.
– Their addresses must be printed (neatly!!!) as their full legal mailing address, so that it matches up with what the BOE has on file. People will be verifying addresses but small mistakes can erase many signatures.
– We are allowed to fill in any and all info for the person signing EXCEPT FOR their signature. If you have neat handwriting, you can fill in their address and print their name, so that it will not lead to confusion later.
– If there is anyone that is not sure about their voter registration status, put them on a separate sheet (so that if they are not valid, it does not affect other signatures).
– While you can collect from any NYS county, it is probably wise to keep them on separate sheets by county.
– ANY registered voter in NYS can witness.
Contact us here if you are in need of a petition form or if you are interested in signing the petition.