The Libertarian Party is committed to America’s heritage of freedom:, individual liberty and personal responsibility, a free-market economy of abundance and prosperity, a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace and free trade.
May Meeting Update

We’re starting a monthly newsletter to recap the monthly meeting and spread awareness on important topics. 

Those of you that have not attended the monthly meetings lately, are most likely unaware that we are in need of election district delegates (EDDs). Mark has been working very hard on increasing the number of our delegates, with a goal of filling 414 EDD positions (25%) by January 1st, 2022. As of the meeting on April 1st, we had 95 district delegates. We appreciate the party members mentioned below and all others that have already committed to becoming district delegates, prior to last month. If you’re interesting in becoming an election district delegate, contact Mark by sending an email to

Michael Sapozhunkov from Brighton
James Klossner from Chili
David Prusik from Irondequoit
Gregory Napierala from Irondequoit
Michael Adams from Irondequoit
Nicholas Dangelo from Irondequoit
Matthew Brown from Pittsford
Eric Friedhaber from Pittsford
Anthony Simmons, Jr from Rochester
Daniel Caverly from Rochester
Michael Higbee from Rochester
Dominik DeMatteo from Rush

There are currently 1539 members in the Monroe County Libertarian Party. 

Steven is working on collecting lobbying suggestions for our party. If you have a topic in mind, let him know by sending an email to

The officers are working on creating a candidate survey. It will be used to ensure the values of the candidates we support, align with those of our party. 

There are several party members working on setting up booths at public events in Monroe County throughout 2021. If you are interested in participating, reach out to Barb by sending an email to

Septimus Scott did not move forward with his campaign because all but 10 of his signatures were denied and his Republican registration was never received. 

If you are interested in representing the Monroe County Libertarian Party by getting involved in a group to help improve the community, let Steven know by sending an email to

View the statement from the LPNY Chair regarding ongoing ballot access litigation on our Facebook page here

Information regarding the treasures report will be disclosed during the MCLP County Committee meetings, held every month, on the first Thursday of the month. 
Voting Information
Primary Election Day is Tuesday, June 22, 2021. The polls are open from 6am-9pm. Members of the Libertarian Party are not permitted to vote in the Primary.

Visit, to check your eligibility. General Election Day is Tuesday, November 2, 2021. The polls are open from 6am-9pm. All registered voters are allowed to vote in this election.

Early voting poll sites can be found at

Change your voter designation or register to vote here.
Follow us on Facebook
Officers: Steven Becker : Chair | Jack Terran : Vice-Chair & Treasurer | Barbara Toal : Secretary